Friday, January 9, 2009


Christian people, never, never, critique a movie (Prayers for Bobby) from a few clips, shame, on you!!! Don't be afraid to watch the movie in it's entirety, that would be the honest christian approach to your dilemma that being, God did not heal homosexuality in the teenager who took his own life in the movie , so according to your christian belief, ( Gods word) this teenager is cast into the burning flames of eternal damnation ?? Why? it was after all in Gods Power to turn him into a heterosexual like you . Try on I Corin. Chap. 13, how does it fit ? from you critique, I'd say you have some growing "UP" to do , and your followers , try thinking "above the waist" that's where real love begins, you know , where your "heart is" ? God Bless .......